If ads work, why don't ad agencies run more of them?
TL; DR - I pissed my pants playing hockey in third grade.
Written for ClayCo in 2017.
A few weeks after he was reported missing I thought my little brother was dead.
Variety is the spice of life. Monotony is the meat.
Bullshit makes for bad news;
worse branding.
A little perspective takes you far. Specifically, to adulthood.
This writing manifesto is brought to you by my personal problems as compiled over the years.
This is how you innovate: you fail your way to an answer.
The truth is, you failed because you were scared.
Reflecting on Robert McKee’s ‘Story’ Seminar.
Making sense of the ad business.
The truth is, we fail most often when we refuse to.
Smelling colors, hearing textures and feeling ideas.